What a wonderful thing that your father was able to see the value in a Transgender person even before he knew you to be Transgender. I’m happy he had a chance to know, and understand. My Grandfather passed without knowing I was his Granddaughter; it’s a pain I keep close to my heart. I kept him in the dark because I didn’t want the revelation to be the thing that killed him. I still question if it was the right thing to do. Wherever he is, I hope he sees, and I hope he understands.
When I wrote my last piece about — your love — Keira, I searched through her Instagram for material that could accompany that blog. I hadn’t closed that page, even today I find myself scrolling her pictures.
IT’S NOT FAIR!… The grief moves in.
I have never known anyone who held so much promise in life; yet suddenly deprived of it. It’s FUCKING CRUEL. I’m still lost in my own grief.
I hate God right now.
How dare he take this beautiful soul. She lived a horrific life, until she gave up on living a lie based on her genitals. Her smile said it all… Sweet release; I know it myself.
There is a part of me that fears the right-wing wing will take this as God’s vengeance for deviating from “his” plan (because — of course — God is a MAN). But I can prove their Bullshit wrong any day of the week. By demanding the heavens strike me with lighting (not a man-made bullet) and ending this life. Their fragile minds can’t wrap their heads around the fact that God can drown the planet for 40 straight days but not execute a heathen (in their eyes) on demand. PROOF that the God they know is a God that THEY created.
No! What happened to Keira was random, cruel; but still random. I am honored to have known her, because now I know you, and you will not forget her; neither will I.
They say only the good die young; let’s go with that. Keira was definitely one of the best, and she died WAY too young.
We are united in our grief, and we will work through the stages on our own terms.
I miss her so much. I miss her text messages, her IM’s, her phone calls, her Facebook and Instagram posts; but most of all I miss her smile. The world is a slightly darker place without her.
Goodbye my beautiful friend. I can’t wait to see you again.