This dude is as thick as a brick. Trump didn’t drain the swamp, and he did nothing to improve my life. As someone who came “out” just before he won in 2016, I’ve been forced to adjust the entire course of my transition because I felt he’d make it impossible for me to even do it. He fell short of doing the worst I imagined, but he pencil whipped dozens of executive orders designed to harm the LGBTQ community. Morons like Tom didn’t know this because he’s cuddling his pistol happily knowing Trump won’t take it from him. But that’s the joke isn’t it; the democrats were always going to take their guns, but never actually do.
The larger problem is that idiocy like what took place on January 6th might actually cause such legislation to materialize, and without a doubt those who were caught in the sedition will be charged as felons and therefore no longer legally permitted to possess firearms.
This guy thinks that a man-child who dodged military service over “bone spurs” is some kind of patriot. But those bone spurs don’t seem to prevent him from golfing or playing tennis on a weekly basis.
He sees no issue with a man who didn’t put his financial interests in a blind trust during their presidency, spending all his free time at his own resorts and thus funneling countless tax-payer dollars into his own businesses. Tom doesn’t care about this conflict of interest? Moreover, he doesn’t care that he paid $750 in taxes, while folks like me usually pay 5-6x as much, while making astronomically less (comparatively).
Trump has willfully stoked the fans of racism by claiming there are good people among groups of white oppressors. These same individuals have acted out because they felt blessed by their idol. People emboldened to drive into peaceful protests, and open fire on the same. He has highlighted the very reasons for why BLM must exist by addressing those who have legitimate grievances with an offensive amount of authoritarian force while coddling his white followers by refusing to use the same level of force to contain their fervency.
Tom is the epitome of what’s misfiring in this society. A callow individual who is so consumed by his internalized hatred for anyone who is different than him that it prevents him from seeing factual information when it easily disproves what he chooses to believe.
I am saddened that you wasted time on this individual, and the layout of this interview seems as though you were only permitted to ask an initial question, but not permitted to ask follow-up questions in response to his individual responses. This is how they control the narrative; this is how they make a claim, but are never held accountable for supporting that claim with evidence.
The relative validity of everything he says is easily determined by the fact he wants to remain anonymous; he doesn’t want to be held accountable for anything he says, yet he still wants to spew lies and inflammatory drivel.
You’re Fired Tom.