I’ve definitely come to realize that the hate and fear that’s repeated in the media is seriously overblown. Truly there must be thousands of us who are limiting our life experiences because of this. It’s absolutely essential to spread the word that the vast majority of people are actually completely accepting and decent.
Our biggest enemy is often the demon we believe is lurking in outside world. It reminds me of the spoon bending child in The Matrix. They stress that you can’t bend the spoon because it’s impossible, but realize that truth; that there is no spoon. Then you will see that it’s not the spoon that bends, but yourself.
Only when we realize the demon doesn’t exist can we really begin to shape our lives like a pliable spoon.
Now don’t get me started on how the Matrix is riddled with Trans allegory and also directed by two siblings who have since transitioned. It’s enough to make Keanu go “Whoa!”