I don’t want to weigh in on the nature and validity of the alleged assault. Instead I would like to highlight that the actions of an individual do NOT speak for the whole group they profess to represent. Bindel can no more acost the entire trans community for the supposed actions of one person any more than we could accuse the entire Lesbian community of participating in the same hate speech as her. It’s simply spinning an individuals prejudice against millions of innocent people to condemn them all.
We see this crap in the conservative media all the time. “Trans person arrested for committing [insert heinous crime here];” media spins the case to read,”if one is evil, they’re all evil.” That is woefully short sighted considering how many conservatives have been caught doing something abhorrent. Yet they deny our rights to spin hyperbole into facts while they are actively engaging in that very act.
At the end of the day, an individual is responsible for their OWN actions, not an entire group of people. We must never lose sight of that reality. But it would appear that Bindel already has.