Kira Wertz
2 min readOct 7, 2018


After the BS that went down in Achille Oklahoma that basically forced a 12 year old to relocate her whole family, I am not surprised by this one bit. It’s amazing that this was even considered during an active shooter drill. One assumes that during such a drill, the child would still be in the shelter with an adult, so I find this both baffling and reprehensible.

I also find it ironic that they kept someone they’d likely call a “snowflake” from a “safe space” while they all cowered in a safe space like a bunch of snowflakes. They use these terms to deride us but when it applies to their position they will proclaim their actions justified and within reason. Makes about as much sense as cherry-picking the Bible while professing to be a righteous Christian who conveniently forgets that the relevant parts were those proclaimed by Christ (their supposed savior).

The hypocrisy is limitless when it’s ones mandate to treat others as anything other than equal. Frankly I’m surprised they didn’t kick it up a notch and leave all minorities in the gym.

In a place where accusations of sexual assault are denied proper investigation by a president who has also been accused of sexual assault, nothing would surprise me. When we promote this level of inhumanity to the highest, and expect humanity to trickle down we are the ones at fault. Fixing this disgusting perversion of morality comes by removing those who are incapable of seeing past their own selfish agendas and replacing them with those who want to provide their constituents with all the same dignity they enjoy.

Let’s not forget this next month. For the love of your fellow humans, go vote.



Kira Wertz

Pansexual, Transgender Truck Driver, public speaker, activist, LGBTQ advocate, Jeeper and periodic author at The Transition Transmission.